martes, 13 de marzo de 2007


It is with a lump in my throat that I'm writing these few lines.
I met you 2 years ago at the Stockholm observatory and you instantly
became my best friend there; how could I
resist your kindness, openess and intelligence, this
unbelievably kind and melancolic twinkle in your eyes?
You were kind enough to tell me about your life, your sometimes difficult
times here in Sweden. I cannot remember a single boring or even banal
moment spent with you.
I met you again in Cambridge last summer, it was a pleasure hanging out
with you again, enjoying with you your favorite local places. I thought that this
was only the beginning of many more memorable moments spent together...but it
proved to be the last time I ever saw you.
It is impossible to tell how dearly I miss you
You'll always have a place in my heart

philippe thebault

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